Notes on using Debian on a Dell Venue 8 Pro 5855 |
Notes on using Debian GNU/Linux on a Dell Venue 8 Pro 5855
The following notes assume GNOME is used.
This is known to work with Debian Testing at the time of writing, other versions are unknown.
What Works
- Display
- Touch
- Battery
- Audio*
- Bluetooth
Untested: NFC
Unsolved: Camera
*requires installing the firmware
To get a button to close windows:
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences button-layout 'minimize,maximize,close,appmenu'
Without this, one might get stuck because windows cannot be closed. (Why is there no button for closing windows by default?)
Required Packages
To get sound working, install the required firmware: firmware-intel-sound
Don't forget to reboot after installing it.
Other things that might be useful
Create .config/environment.d/envvars.conf
and as content use MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1